In the pursuit of excellence...
There are two stretch classes available Stretch and Limber and Strength. Both classes begin with an aerobic warm up to ensure the blood is moving around the body to lessen the chance of injury. The whole body is warmed up and stretched starting with the head, neck, shoulders, upper body, lower body and feet. Students aim to achieve splits on both right and left legs and obtain a wide second position for better extensions and to lessen the chance of injury.
Stretch A focuses more for the younger students aiming to achieve greater range of movement around the joints and more flexibility. Limber and Strength is aimed for the older students from 12 and above to continue to improve flexibility whilst strengthening the core with pilates and yoga.
Not only is stretch very important to a dancer but strength and fitness is the ground work and core strength needed to withstand the pressures on the body for specific dance movements. During the class students are taught simple yet effective pilates style exercises to target the deep abdominal muscles to strengthen the core. Students are also introduced to simple push ups and arm strengthening exercises to ensure the body has enough stamina and strength for a variety of exercises and dance genres.